
torsdag 24 oktober 2013

Nakedness and arty things

I've been working early mornings as an art drawing model, in a school of realistic arts. It started of as an experiment to get comfortable with my body - until I got struck by reality and actually had to go up there naked in front of 20 students. As a model you first decide what pose you'll do with the teachers, then you sit for twenty minutes and then you have a short break.

These two wonderful teachers are founders of the school! They love to travel and going into their office is like traveling to another dimension. There are exotic and crazy things all over the place. From the ceiling they've hang Japanese umbrellas and other arty stuff.

This dog makes the old building feel so cosy - like home. Two others students bring their dogs too, so there are animals around all the time.

Four crazy students, one swede, the others are english and american. I would say half of the students are non-swedish. Most of the them come early and eat breakfast at school. Their kitchen is full of images of realistic art (even here things are hanging from the ceiling) and coffee seems to be boiling 24/7. Often there is a big basket with apples from their garden!

The academy offers a 3-year long education. The first year the students get to practice on "non-living" objects. Mostly sculptures, sometimes old paintings.

Preparing halloween with apples! Some of them look like the pope...

Here some students seen from my perspective! Haha, it's so weird to sit naked in front of so many people. Can't believe I did it.

Tadaaa! Here an almost finished painting. My sessions are done and now the students have to finish of their paintings without me. One strange thing was to see myself on a canvas in so many different versions: thinking of shades, gradients, paint, no paint, light etc. Of course you think: "oh that's how I look like?". I guess we all see things differently. 

Well, it's been fun! Most of all I've got to know so many cool and inspiring people. And trust me, I'm the only one who thinks it's awkward to eat lunch when the session is over. 

PS. Yes I wear clothes when we eat. 

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