
lördag 22 november 2014

Breakfast with Philastian

Me and my neighbors Philastian enjoyed a cozy breakfast! I did my own bread with seeds and nuts, while they brough stuff for smoothie and homemade "lussebullar" (traditional Swedish bun made for christmas).  
My new awesome shoes get even more awesome while getting them warm around the pipe to my fireplace. Great idea haha! 

Thank you Simone for sending me them <3

torsdag 20 november 2014

In for treats

I've been sick for a couple of days now and it sucks! Time to make a change and get better. My friend Johan says he's drinking liters lemon water each morning and my friend Titti only buys vegetables & fruits. Today was the first day out of four that I left my home (fridge empty) and I seriously need to start influence my body and health with the things I'm eating! Also, water needs to be a priority.

Some good müsli from Renée Voltaire. I'll not eat any sugar or wheat and focus on food that's not been processed too much. Milk-products will have to step a side too for a while. Coffee as well. Just because I haven't had coffee for five days now it feels like my head will explode... I had this issue in New Zealand too and there it took me two weeks to feel "normal" again without coffee.

Some pasta made out of beans. Filled with fiber and protein!

Some good tea for breakfast.

Smoothie with: blueberries, fresh spinach, half banana, almond milk, different seeds, peanut butter and on top some müsli and almonds :-) Yummy!

I also bought pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds. Looking forward to see what happens and how my body feels like! Sandra, you deserve a treat!!! 

Thank you someone!

Someone (WHO?!?!?) send me these awesome slippers. I've been really sick all week and now I can't breath through my nose... But these little gifts keep me warm and comfy. Boat life this winter is officially rescued :) Thank you someone, now tell me who you are!

måndag 17 november 2014

In the mist

Photos by my friend Camila. In the mist shot on my boat Alfred!