
tisdag 5 november 2013

It's natural

I've got so many questions about being an art drawing model when as I've told people about this little project. And now as I've experienced being model there's no "weirdness" about it at all. It started of as a small personal project: to get comfortable with my own body. Though the first day I was really nervous. Especially as the students were my age and 80% of them guys... Me and two teachers came up with a pose and then the students were let in. My only thought was "Oh my, now you're sitting here naked in front of all these people - what the f*ck are you doing Sandra. Pull it through, it's only a body". And it turned out, it's only a body. The students were focusing so hard to get the proportions and light right - I was the only person having strange feelings about the situation. In the end I even went to their halloween party and we had so much fun together!

I would definitely do it again, but for a shorter period of time. Or even be a portrait model :) Also I thought of asking one-two students if I could buy their art... but I'd rather not have myself naked up on a wall haha.

2 kommentarer:

  1. It's so interesting to get details about something that is severeal hundred miles outside my own comfort zone! Especially since the experience took place in such a pleasant, relaxed surrounding and such beautiful results came of it :)

  2. Är så stolt över dig att du kommit över alla konstigheter med att det faktiskt bara är en kropp! du ser riktigt bra ut i blyers också, sensuell !
