
fredag 5 september 2014

On a boat - welcome to Alfred

Ahoy people! I just moved to 'Alfred' - a houseboat located on Söder Mälarstrand, Stockholm. The whole waterfront is like a street of houseboats plus a couple of hostels, but they are further "down the road" :)

Marie and doggy Svea came for a visit. Happily Svea was really calm... well by now she knows who I am (new people can be scary) and even though the boat sometimes rocks from side to side (especially when other boats pass by) she felt at home.

Breakfast in the making!

Whooooaaa! Iove my new smoothie mixer! It's got just the size I need "to go" and is easily cleaned. Oh I love smoothies so much, they are my favorite breakfast meals (let me know if you need some smoothie inspiration!).

My grandmother, a handmade dry point etching and a polaroid of me together with my friend Karin. All put together in a PhotoBlock, birch.  

Just got these wonderful flowers yesterday and they make the boat look so nice. I hope to cover all Alfred in flowers, wow! Still need to paint the floor though with new green color as there are spots of white and red color all over.

Marie enjoys the best view in Stockholm!

My neighbors :)

The bottom floor. I look forward to make a cosy little fire here! The suitcases are old memories from flea markets. So happy I've kept them as they've been around for so many years.

I got this beautiful carpet as a gift from my mother who lived in Istanbul for a couple of years.

Simone, the owner of Alfred and my awesome friend, made these great clothing racks.

That's it for now! It's been a great first week on Alfred, more pictures to come I promise you. 

This little quote from a Swedish actor is really nice, he says: "All people have got their own story to tell, the one about life. No matter how that life looked like". 

Skepp o'hoy matroser /Sandy

1 kommentar:

  1. This place is so beautiful and so YOU, it's insane! I loooooooove it and I hope it will give you everything you want and need in a home.
