
lördag 1 februari 2014

Party at Agnes & Axel

The theme: 90s. Dinner on a "primary school disco" in Sweden: sausage with mustard and ketchup. They served "meaty" sausages and a vegan version. Looks like art, the plate of sausages haha!

In the 90s we listened a lot to Spice Girls. Here my and host Agnes pose (try to pose) like Mel B. and the rest of this historical group. Notice my necklace - original stuff. 

How to do it like a pro! A wall of inspiration :)

In their toilette all guests could do a "gnuggis". These sticker-tattoos you normally got when you've visited the dentist or doctor.

I love to swim. See the obvious connection between my hobby and my new tattoo. Also I love the bracelet made of candy!!! So 90s.

Another classic 90s thing: the gum. Often "hubba bubba" with taste of strawberry. Agnes is trying hard while I try to capture this magical gum-moment with my canon.

Nice party! And good luck to Agnes & Axel in your new apartment :)

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