
torsdag 10 april 2014

20 things only tall girls understand

1. When people meet me for the first time...

2. ...and then realize that I'm ok to talk to

3. When I go abroad and people ask me if I'm a supermodel

4. When the other half of China also wants a photo with me, this is how I pose

5. "Wow, did you know that you are really tall?!?!?!!"

6. When people ask me if I play basketball
7. On days when people ask me if I play volleyball as well

8. When dancing in a club and a guy comes up to me whispering "I'm not scared of you" in my ear

9. When kids ask me if I'm a guy

10. When a short guy wants to talk to me

11. What I feel talking to someone taller than me

12. When people try stop looking but fail....

13. ... sometimes they're half-trying...

14. ...when I can't hide and need to walk that street anyway

15. When I get out of air (thin up here)

16. The day I realized that anything is reachable

17. When I try another pair of jeans and they're to short

18. When I help my friend doing her hair

19. When I fit in my boss's Lamborghini

20. When dating I guy being taller than me

About the tall girl

When Swedish magazine Veckorevyn wrote a blog post (9/4) about what it means to be short I immediately thought of the opposite - being tall :)

I was born tall with 52cm. Now I'm 1.86m and taller than ever, but I am so over it! 

To all tall girls out there having a hard time with their length... I give you a big hug and tell you what I tell my younger sister: "Walk straight and let the world know you exist".


3 kommentarer:

  1. All compositions are very funny. No doubt a lot of fun.
    Kind regards:

  2. This is great!! It's so typical of you to put your own spin on things and I love it :) Maybe you want to pitch this to Veckorevyn? I can look over some of the grammar If you like.

  3. Ups, clicked Anonym on that, it's me, fellow super model Aida :)
