Time for Stockholm Music & Arts with WiMP! One of few festivals in Stockholm city center, with only one stage which makes it really relaxed as no one gets stressed about missing out on anything. WiMP build up a tent next to the stage and enjoyed three good days with awesome weather!!!
Felizia gets prepared.
The Magic Numbers were one of my favorite performances :) Their music made the prefect soundtrack to the beautiful sunny surroundings of Stockholm.
Our photo wall! With the hash-tag #wimpmusic all pictures were printed and could be picked up in our tent. Lovely memories!
Goat looked smashing! My new style haha!
Interviewing The Magic Numbers! A video will be up soon on WiMP Magazine.
I thought the festival offered really great food. I'm so tired of fast food! Give me this!
Summarized I'd say my favorite concerts were: The Magic Numbers and Neil Young :) Especially after have met The Magic Numbers... They are so cool and nice. Neil Young was doing "Rockin' In The Free World" for 10 min... legends get to just do anything. It was a great weekend with WiMP, friends and good music. Keep on rockin' I guess!!
Felizia has really great hair +eyebrows!