I sold some of my crafts at the annual christmas-market "Skansen" last weekend. From their website: "Skansen was dounded by Artur Hazelius in 1891. It is the world's oldest open-air museum and is sitaudted on the island of Djurgården within the city limits of Stockholm". Also they have a really awesome zoo with nordic animals. Skansen let's people experience a piece of Swedish culture!
I sold some candle-holders. They were really popular amongst the tourists! I told them that if they have these candle-holders made out of juniper wood in their home, people might think they are in Sweden :) They smell awesome! Soon on my
shop too.
My neighbor sold warm knitted things.
All people selling products at the market had to be dressed like the people in Sweden 1903. Skansen wants their visitors to get thrown back in time. Also the christmas market celebrated 100 years this year.
The cute horses wore santa-hats.
This little fellow visited me several times. That's whats nice with Skansen, which mostly is known for it's animals. The area of Skansen preserves the old houses and look of Stockholm hundreds of years ago. A most-see if you come to Sweden and Stockholm. The first day was really rainy, second day windy and summarized I'd say it was a cold, but fun, experience.
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