I just sold my very first item on etsy!!!! Weeeeei!! So cool :) This table will look very nice in someone's home in UK.
So nice to get appreciation for my little crafts. A hobby I'll definitely will continue with. See you in my shop!
torsdag 31 oktober 2013
Doggy Svea loves her new home
My friend Marie just moved to her little house in "Tallkrogen" with cute doggy Svea. Me, Philip and Sebastian got a guided tour, some good food and a nice time. We also helped Marie with her bed, until now she's been sleeping on her sofa... It's going to be a lot of work, but in the end it's going to look so nice. And Marie, I'll help you with whatever you need!
onsdag 30 oktober 2013
You smell good and look nice
I finally got to do a pot coaster made of juniper wood. The smell, structure and pattern is incredible! It's a beautiful piece to decorate your dining table with. Each coaster is made with loads of love and care - they've all got their unique style and look. You'll find them in my shop!
söndag 27 oktober 2013
Mmmmmaple syrup
Yuuuummmy! It' sunday morning and I made myself some pancakes with maple syrup and almonds. A good tip is to add cinnamon and cardamon in your mixture - they go really well together with raspberries.
lördag 26 oktober 2013
"I'm Gloria Gaynor who turned out to be a vampire"
Mozart, Gloria Gaynor who turned out to be a vampire (btw I'm not pregnant), casanova and a young Gandalf!
The students at the academy were I've been modeling invited me to their halloween party. My first thought was: "This is going to be soooo weird". But again, those thoughts were only mine. The best thing with art students must be that they are so creative in all aspects. Each costume was thought through and well executed! The decorations were nice too; spiders web, evil symbols on the floor and pumpkins in every corner.
Miss universe had beautiful hair! On this picture her title sadly had disappeared. Later on I suddenly had it around my neck and she gave me the responsibility to be miss universe for the rest of the evening! The french couple carried baguettes in case someone would become hungry.
Someone got hungry! These people also carried a swedish-french dictionary... And said bonjour all the time. Oh and look carefully, you'll see miss universe trying to steel some bread from monsieur!
These students are hilarious! I'm so happy I went to their party. Miles was a prostituted geisha, he's the guy kissing another guy standing in the middle. The fireman in front helped out in risky situations and the pirates sang yo ho! Me and some students had put some soul music on around midnight and we danced all over the place.
They'd planned activities through out the evening. Like beer ball. It turned out, I'm a natural pro and got to be in all teams haha!
Would be fun if you guys could pick your favorite costume and share it in a comment :) Please vote for me (I had really nice pink shoes with diamonds too)!!!
The students at the academy were I've been modeling invited me to their halloween party. My first thought was: "This is going to be soooo weird". But again, those thoughts were only mine. The best thing with art students must be that they are so creative in all aspects. Each costume was thought through and well executed! The decorations were nice too; spiders web, evil symbols on the floor and pumpkins in every corner.
Miss universe had beautiful hair! On this picture her title sadly had disappeared. Later on I suddenly had it around my neck and she gave me the responsibility to be miss universe for the rest of the evening! The french couple carried baguettes in case someone would become hungry.
Someone got hungry! These people also carried a swedish-french dictionary... And said bonjour all the time. Oh and look carefully, you'll see miss universe trying to steel some bread from monsieur!
These students are hilarious! I'm so happy I went to their party. Miles was a prostituted geisha, he's the guy kissing another guy standing in the middle. The fireman in front helped out in risky situations and the pirates sang yo ho! Me and some students had put some soul music on around midnight and we danced all over the place.
They'd planned activities through out the evening. Like beer ball. It turned out, I'm a natural pro and got to be in all teams haha!
Would be fun if you guys could pick your favorite costume and share it in a comment :) Please vote for me (I had really nice pink shoes with diamonds too)!!!
A smell of Byredo
The venue was full of people... They had nice things but items got tossed all over the place. And people dressed naked anywhere to try things on - they were willing to do anything in order to get clothes from Rodebjer (comparable with Acne or Filippa K). I feel a bit seasick thinking of this industry and the obsession of clothes...
Elin bought some really nice perfumes, lotions and soap from Byredo. The perfect gift! I didn't buy anything. When we got there loads of items were already sold out. We ended our afternoon with "Don Jon". A funny movie you probably only will watch once... We noticed that a majority of people who sat in the saloon were single guys - middle aged men. That's very suspect, thinking of the topic of Don Jon: porn.
torsdag 24 oktober 2013
Halloween inspiration #tbt
Throw back thursday! Not really sure why it's become such an overused hash tag on social media, but I thought I'd give it a try. Soon it's halloween and I'm looking forward to see all your costumes! I'd like to share some of my good costume-moments in life. On this picture I'm dressed like "amazon women" with Camila. A costume I made myself!
The originals. Need more leather next time that's for sure.
One party I dressed like Gloria Gaynor. I even made my own microphone (pink of course) out of toilette paper and egg-boxes. As the DJ saw me, he immediately played "I will survive" and aaaaaall the guests moved away from the dance floor. You should now one thing: that might have been one of my BEST performances in my life!
When my mother threw her birthday party we (me, my sister and mom) dressed like ABBA and sang "Super Trouper". So much fun!!! I also made a bellydance-surprise-show that night :)
In Stockholm they host a competition for runners every year, called "midnattsloppet" (midnight run). So you run through Stockholm city at midnight basically. Well, my friends and I knew we weren't good runners, so we thought: "Let's win best costume". For two weeks in August we sew this Chinese dragon together: a twelve meter long object with loads of steel and cloth for six people to carry one mile. Really hard to run... but we won a camera and free shrimps that month haha :)
With my friend Sonja I once dressed like Vincent Vega and she was Mia Wallace. A good choice if you want to dress together with someone. Only thing a bit tricky was to make Travolta's butt on my chin not look like dirt (which most people ended up thinking).
Hope that inspired you some!
Somewhere far in the woods

These images by my talented friend Camila Rojas Fritz were taken the last days of summer in Sweden. I'm in love with black and white photography. And nature.
Nakedness and arty things
I've been working early mornings as an art drawing model, in a school of realistic arts. It started of as an experiment to get comfortable with my body - until I got struck by reality and actually had to go up there naked in front of 20 students. As a model you first decide what pose you'll do with the teachers, then you sit for twenty minutes and then you have a short break.
These two wonderful teachers are founders of the school! They love to travel and going into their office is like traveling to another dimension. There are exotic and crazy things all over the place. From the ceiling they've hang Japanese umbrellas and other arty stuff.
This dog makes the old building feel so cosy - like home. Two others students bring their dogs too, so there are animals around all the time.
Four crazy students, one swede, the others are english and american. I would say half of the students are non-swedish. Most of the them come early and eat breakfast at school. Their kitchen is full of images of realistic art (even here things are hanging from the ceiling) and coffee seems to be boiling 24/7. Often there is a big basket with apples from their garden!
The academy offers a 3-year long education. The first year the students get to practice on "non-living" objects. Mostly sculptures, sometimes old paintings.
Preparing halloween with apples! Some of them look like the pope...
Here some students seen from my perspective! Haha, it's so weird to sit naked in front of so many people. Can't believe I did it.
These two wonderful teachers are founders of the school! They love to travel and going into their office is like traveling to another dimension. There are exotic and crazy things all over the place. From the ceiling they've hang Japanese umbrellas and other arty stuff.
This dog makes the old building feel so cosy - like home. Two others students bring their dogs too, so there are animals around all the time.
Four crazy students, one swede, the others are english and american. I would say half of the students are non-swedish. Most of the them come early and eat breakfast at school. Their kitchen is full of images of realistic art (even here things are hanging from the ceiling) and coffee seems to be boiling 24/7. Often there is a big basket with apples from their garden!
The academy offers a 3-year long education. The first year the students get to practice on "non-living" objects. Mostly sculptures, sometimes old paintings.
Preparing halloween with apples! Some of them look like the pope...
Here some students seen from my perspective! Haha, it's so weird to sit naked in front of so many people. Can't believe I did it.
Tadaaa! Here an almost finished painting. My sessions are done and now the students have to finish of their paintings without me. One strange thing was to see myself on a canvas in so many different versions: thinking of shades, gradients, paint, no paint, light etc. Of course you think: "oh that's how I look like?". I guess we all see things differently.
Well, it's been fun! Most of all I've got to know so many cool and inspiring people. And trust me, I'm the only one who thinks it's awkward to eat lunch when the session is over.
PS. Yes I wear clothes when we eat.
tisdag 22 oktober 2013
söndag 20 oktober 2013
Fine food
Fine Food with my friend Elin (no, we're not sisters and strangers, don't ask us in public spaces, it's just weird). I didn't buy any of their fine food, but my hot chocolate was very awesome. Also I like how they've exposed bottles and products. I want to try that root beer (brown can), what's it like?
Artipelag - made by nature in nature
This beautiful entrance goes to Artipelag - a museum outside Stockholm that offers various art exhibitions, walks in nature next to the ocean, a great restaurant and awesome architecture design!
We went there today to celebrate the father of my stepmother. Here my two siblings Linnéa and Alexander. They don't look very pleased, but oh they were.
I love the golden toilet! When I live in a big mansion sometime soon (hehe) I'll build something similar..
They have cool designer stuff in their shop. I like these mugs, good for picnic. And their desk is made of leather! Very non-yogic but looks good...
There are free busses for turists going from town to Artipelag every day, for free! So make sure you visit this big museum of stillness and beauty.
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